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Root Canal Treatments in Largo FL


An endodontic treatment or a root canal treatment has become a standard procedure to save a tooth when the decay is beyond the scope of a simple dental restoration and caries has encroached the nerve. At Blue Dental we perform root canals in Largo, FL on a routine basis and prefer to educate our patients beforehand about the procedure to alleviate any anxiety that they might feel, regarding the treatment.

What is an endodontic treatment or a root canal treatment?

The process of removing an infected tooth pulp is called a root canal treatment. A tooth broadly consists of three layers- the outermost and the toughest is called enamel which is the white part of the tooth visible in the oral cavity, the middle one is called dentin which supports the enamel and acts as a mediator carrying signals from enamel to pulp, the innermost is the pulp of the tooth which houses the blood and the nerve supply of the tooth. All the pain that you feel is because of the bacterial contamination of the pulp when it progresses through the enamel and dentin if left untreated. Once the pulp becomes infected, subsequently, the blood cells infiltrate it as an immune response and then this inflammation causes the toothache. Therefore, to rid the tooth of the infection, the pulp is removed from the crown and the roots of the tooth, they are then disinfected and filled with an inert material.

root canal treatments in Largo, FL

What should you expect during the root canal procedure?

Before your dentist starts with the root canal, the area will be anesthetized using local anesthesia, in most cases. Thereafter, access is gained to the tooth pulp. The infected pulp is removed, and space thus created is cleaned using tiny dental instruments called dental files. Once cleaned and disinfected, this space is filled with an inert material and sealed. The tooth is restored using dental restorative materials that match the color of the tooth. Your dentist will eventually put a dental crown upon it to make your tooth fully functional again.

Although some root canals are completed in a single visit, sometimes more than one appointment may be necessary to complete the root canal treatment. The duration and number of visits will depend on the complexity and magnitude of the infection.

You may be prescribed medications for enhanced recovery and curing the tooth infection

Are there alternatives to a root canal?

While it is best to save a tooth, you might opt for a tooth extraction. In that case, once the wound heals, consider replacing the missing tooth as soon as possible. If the gap is allowed to linger for a longer time period, the adjacent teeth will shift and encroach the space thus altering your bite. Moreover, once the teeth move into the empty space, it becomes difficult to replace the missing tooth due to lack of space.


Alleviate Tooth Pain with Expert Root Canal Treatment in Largo, FL at Blue Dental.

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