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Occlusal Guards Largo, FL

There are different types of occlusal guards.

Mouth guards can be used in high-impact sports to protect your teeth from unwarranted damage, they can also be fabricated to be worn at night when used to relieve bruxism and protect your teeth from clenching and grinding. They are removable oral appliances that need to be worn depending on your needs and indications..

What is bruxism and how can it harm your jaw joint?

The habit of grinding jaws together during sleep is called Bruxism. You may not even realize that you grind your teeth in sleep until your partner points it out to you. The enormous pressure that your jaws and teeth experience causes your teeth to chip or fracture and the muscles of the jaw joint to go into spasm. You may experience jaw joint pain, earache, headaches, migraine, sleep disturbances, tooth tenderness and sensitivity and even worn-out teeth.


What are the different types of occlusal guards?

Occlusal Guard

Occlusal guards may be soft or hard depending on their strength. Soft ones are meant for mild to moderate cases of bruxism while hard ones are meant for severe cases of bruxism.

Depending upon their method of fabrication, they may be stock trays, boil-and-bite or custom-made trays. While stock occlusal guards are made the one-to-fit-all measurement, boil-and-bite ones are more comfortable since they fit your teeth and gums better than stock occlusal guards. However, the best fit is got in custom-made night guards and mouth guards wherein your dentist takes specific measurements of your oral cavity and then gets your occlusal guard fabricated by a dental lab. They are the most comfortable and will start to feel natural in a few days of its wearing.

How should you care for your occlusal guard?

Since the occlusal guards are removable, you will need to take care of them and the following are some of the things that you will have to take care of:

  • Rinse your occlusal guard before and after use
  • Regularly clean your occlusal guard with mild soap and a soft toothbrush.
  • Always store your occlusal guard in its case or container, do not expose it to pets, they love it!
  • Do not drop your occlusal guard as it may break or distort them.
  • Never expose your occlusal guard to strong sunlight, high temperature or chemicals for a prolonged time period as it may damage the material of your occlusal guard.
Occlusal Guard
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